Tuesday 22 October 2019


Dear SGA members. I hope the seasons are going well. I would like to personally thank everyone who responded to our request for information on how they use General Licences. I would also like to thank those who responded to the SNH consultation. The SGA submitted a detailed response on behalf of its members. We hope SNH will now consider the issue carefully before contemplating changes for 2020.

Update on SGA Petition on satellite tags fitted to raptors.

The SGA submitted a Parliamentary petition (PE1750) on 23rd September asking for satellite tags fitted to raptors to be independently monitored. The Petition received 1729 signatures ( 276 offline signatures ). Thanks to all those who responded and posted comments on the Scottish Parliament website. The Petitions Committee considered the petition on 10th October 2019 and has now agreed to refer it to the ECCLR Committee for consideration as part of its ongoing work on wildlife crime. 

If any members have had personal experience of satellite tagging of raptors, or have permitted raptor tagging on their ground and have a view of how the system can be improved, please contact the SGA office on info@scottishgamekeepers.co.uk

SEPA Aquaculture consultation

SEPA is calling for views on how organic feed load for fish farms should be regulated in order to ensure environmental protection. Materials from pens enter the water and it is SEPA’s duty to ensure any damage to the environment is minimised and measured.

The consultation will close on 27th November.  Please respond. All the details can be found, here: https://consultation.sepa.org.uk/regulatory-services/biomassfeed/